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For previous customers, it is very simple to schedule. Just give us a call and provide us with your first and last name and/or address, we will find you in our system, update any information as needed and schedule you for our next available appointment or a date you request upon availability.

For new customers, please expect to provide us with the information here. We will then provide you with an instant quote or send an estimator to provide a quote (for homes larger than 3,500 sq. Ft).

Monday – Friday. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Call our office at 408-229-6080, email, or submit a request for a quote.

View Our Types of Windows document.

Single-hung, Double-hung, Arched, Awning, Bay, Bow, Casement, Egress, Garden, Glass Block, Hopper, Jalousie/louvered, Picture, Round, Stained glass, Skylight, Sliding, Storm, Transom, Custom.

Yes, you receive an initial text and email confirmation when you schedule your appointment, as well as a reminder via email, two days prior to service.

We have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Meaning, if you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, we must be notified 24-hours prior to your scheduled appointment, in order to avoid our last-minute cancellation fee of $45.00.

Our professional window cleaner will first remove the screen (if any), then wipe down the glass using a sponge soaked with soap and water, then use a squeegee to wipe off and clean the glass. Once done, the tracks and frames will be cleaned using a cleaning rag and vacuum for the tracks. Screens will be washed separately.

Crew members will climb onto the roof and begin cleaning out the gutters by using a plastic scoop and dumping the debris onto a bucket, and then will repeat this for all gutters. Once done, they flush out the gutters using a water hose to ensure that the downspouts are clear. Any debris fallout will be cleaned.

The process is a little different if there are any gutter guards, as they will first need to remove them prior to cleaning and re-install them once finished.

Crew members use powerwashers to remove dirt/stains for desired areas such as: exterior walls, patio, driveway, walkway, outdoor furniture, etc.

We have three types of cleanings: Light, General, and Deep. Light cleaning includes; light wiping and dusting, sweeping/mopping floors, vacuuming carpets, cleaning bathroom/closet mirrors. General house cleaning includes; sweeping/mopping floors, vacuuming carpet, dusting, cleaning bathroom/closet mirrors, wiping down kitchen counters, cleaning stove, wiping down exterior refrigerator, disinfecting and cleaning bathroom(s), dusting light fixtures. Deep cleaning includes; sweeping/mopping floors, vacuuming carpet, dusting, cleaning bathroom/closet mirrors, wiping down kitchen counters, cleaning stove, cleaning oven, degreasing overhead, cleaning refrigerator in/out, disinfecting and cleaning bathroom(s), dusting light fixtures.

Yes, we are licensed, bonded, and insured. Proof is available upon request.

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